AEM Integrating with Salesforce

Integrating Salesforce with AEM provides lead management capabilities and leverages the existing capabilities provided out of the box by Salesforce. You can configure AEM to post leads to Salesforce and create components that access data directly from Salesforce.

To configure AEM to integrate with Salesforce, you need to first configure a remote access application in Salesforce. Then you configure the salesforce cloud service to point to this remote access application.


You can create a free developer account in Salesforce.

To configure AEM to integrate with Salesforce:


You need to install the Salesforce Force API integration package before you continue with the procedure. For more details on how to work with packages see the How to Work with Packages page.

  1. In AEM, navigate to Cloud Services. In Third-Party Services, click Configure Now in Salesforce.
  2. Create a new configuration, for example, developer.
  3. NOTE The new configuration redirects to a new page: http://localhost:4502/etc/cloudservices/salesforce/developer.html. This is the exact same value that you need to specify in the Callback URL while creating the remote access application in Salesforce. These values must match.
  4. Log in to your salesforce account (or if you do not have one, create one at
  5. In Salesforce, navigate to Create > Apps to get to Connected Apps (in former versions of salesforce, the workflow was Deploy > Remote Access).
  6. Click New to connect AEM with Salesforce.chlimage_1-71

Enter the Connected App NameAPI Name, and Contact Email. Select the Enable OAuth Settings check box and enter the Callback URL and add an OAuth scope (for example, full access). The callback URL looks similar to this: http://localhost:4502/etc/cloudservices/salesforce/developer.html

Change the server name/port number and page name to match your configuration.


Click Save to save the salesforce configuration. Salesforce creates a consumer key and consumer secret, which you need for AEM configuration.

