My Story

I am originally from Mauritius. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. My goal was to go to the UK for further studies like my older sister. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a scholarship, so I went to University of Mauritius instead and I did a degree in computer science. After working for 3 years as software engineer for Ceridian Mauritius, I decided to make the big jump. I applied to immigrate to Canada and after 1 year I got my Canadian Permanent Resident. I came to Canada looking for new opportunities.

In the beginning it was hard to get a job as companies were asking for Canadian experience which I didn’t have. Luckily through my Mauritian connection, I was able to land a technical support job at the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC). I met my husband at RBC. We have 2 sons who are 13 and 15 years old.

I took the numerous challenges we went through since my childhood and not having a dad as an opportunity to learn and grow and be the best version of myself. I engage fully with life’s opportunities and face my challenges as lessons that I need to learn and that everything happens for a reason. I go with the flow when needed and keep learning and upgrading my knowledge, skills and abilities daily.

My relationships are built on trust, love and integrity. I focus daily on releasing whatever is not serving me and adopt what is working and live my highest values and purpose. I am now
becoming all that I am meant to become.- Unstoppable Hema

I was the first of my entire family to come to Canada, I didn’t have any relatives in Canada when I came in 2003. Now I have nephews and a niece who are studying/ working here which makes me very proud.